Thursday 1 December 2011

Image Project Final Ideas

After the group critique I decided to pursue the idea of including text with the images. Specifically, where I cut out certain shapes and the text shows though underneath. With this piece I cut out the cars in the picture. Then what were yellow taxi cabs became pieces of yellow text. The normal cars become pieces of white text. I quite liked how this turned out but I still didn't have a real idea behind what the pictures were going to be about.

So, I decided to link this project with the idea for my context project which was about 'Malfunctioning Objects'. I thought I could cut out some bit of images from magazines and then use the text to show that that part of the image had malfunctioned. This could be a malfunction on a computer screen when an image doesn't load properly or a malfunction in the printing process where the image does come out quite right. I completed these pieces using a sheet of computer binary code (0100100000111110111) as the text filler.

This is also how I have displayed it in the studio for the Group Tutorial. I may have to rethink the display method depending on what comments I get back tomorrow. But I am fairly happy with it. I thought about putting it back into a magazine or book form, but I really wanted it displayed something like this to completely repurpose it as  stereotypical art on a gallery wall rather than the commerical photography it is. However, if I am going to stay with the theme of malfunction maybe I should piece it back together as a 'Frankenstein-like' magazine to show the printing errors in their true surroundings. I will have to wait and see.

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