Sunday, 13 November 2011

S M L XL Project Development

I had gotten a little stuck with my idea for this project so I completed a brainstorm to try and work out my ideas a little better and to display my idea for the group critique. I also put some images into my four bottles, and took the bottles with me to display the idea.

I was working around my idea of presenting animals in the bottles. But they would be in the wrong bottles, so the smallest animal would be in the biggest bottle etc. I was really struggling with how I would get the images/models into the bottles as they have very small bottle necks and I didn't really want to start cutting the bottles up in case they broke. My tutor said the paper images inside the bottles would be an inadequate way of presenting the final piece, and also the idea was a little too obvious. He suggested going in different direction of putting the same thing in each bottle to show the size of the 'thing' in contrast to the size of the bottle. He first suggested a length of thread or string. It would look very different bunched up in the crowded little bottle than in the sparse and spacious big bottle. I like this idea and am currently looking into different things that I can put into the bottles. He also liked my balloon idea from my brainstorm page, and how I could put a little illustration on each balloon and put it into each bottle, perhaps blowing it up perhaps not.

So I am in the process of acquiring different materials to put into the bottle and try these different ideas out. I am much more confident about my ideas now and the direction my work is heading in.

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